02 → A spark of rage is born and a bitter taste fills my mouth, 2023

Neglected things fall underwater,
We gather round to watch them fall

◼ This video art piece is the Winner of the Hungarian Contemporary Art Prize 2023 in the category Video/Photo Art.

A spark of rage is born and a bitter taste fills my mouth, originally a poem, is a video piece dedicated to the fear of returning and arriving while looking out of the window of a moving vehicle. It is dedicated to movement with terror, that your homeland will hunt you down and engage you in a game of collective punishment. Written during the war, or rather, many post-capitalist wars which are forever enveloping the planet, it is a call againts ignorance and a reminder about the circular nature of opression. 

Neglected things fall underwater
We gather round to watch them fall
Oh what a lovely scenery of horror
How gracefully they howl and twirl

Before our eyes
Of the guilt of witnessing the murder,
Of the voice of questioning
Of the reason to think about what’s coming after
The neglected things demise

Our turn will come, as the train arrives