05 → The Bookinprogress
Here the Formation Event took place
◼ This multimedia installation and audiobook series has won the PHACT Art Prize in the category Phygital
The Bookinprogress [Part 1 and Part 2.1 ] is a fiction project and a multimedia installation. Starting with Spring of 2018 it is published quarterly, the future of the narrative defined by the collisions, turmoil and happenings of the real world. Each episode is a reflection on the contemporary phenomena, such as gentrification, crisis of identity and loss of culture presented in a fable-esque manner. You are invited to follow the journey of ‘It’ – the main character who spends its usually long life preserving monuments left after the War over Splendour.
The Bookinprogress Part 1 has received a special feature at Studio SFCH booth at London Art Book Fair 2018 at the Whitechapel Gallery.